Reflexology Training Course in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire – 2018

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Reflexology is a fascinating therapy

There are many theories of how reflexology works. There are over 7000 nerve-endings in the feet and one theory is that when these nerves are pressed, nerve messages are sent to and from different, related, areas of the body.

Reflexology is quite a complex and in-depth holistic therapy. The reflexology foot chart is a good place to start when learning about reflexology. It locates different zones of the feet that relate to different parts of the body. For instance, the big toe relates to the head and you will find the brain reflex here.


This is the Reflexology Foot Chart designed by the Reflexology tutor at Cheltenham School of Complementary Therapy & Beauty.

In order to become a professional Reflexologist it is important to have thorough training. A Level 3 Diploma is the industry standard. This is a detailed course that includes health and safety, professional standards, study of the human body (anatomy and physiology) and the provision of reflexology treatments.  All Level 3 Reflexology courses comply to specific standards, with one of the specifications being that all learners provide 100 treatments as part of their learning process.


When looking for a Reflexology course consider the following:

  • How many hours you have working with a qualified teacher and Reflexologist
  • How many people will be in your class
  • The content of the course you will study
  • Who the Awarding Organisation is that accredits the Reflexology Course
  • If the course allows you to become a member of a professional therapist association
  • If the course allows you to get insurance to practice
  • Are all elements included in the course, for instance, anatomy and physiology and business studies

The Level 3 Reflexology Diploma at Cheltenham School of Complementary Therapy & Beauty has attracted adult learners from Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and other areas. We are passionate about Reflexology and love sharing our skills. If you would like to know more about professional reflexology training courses pop along to see us or give us a call on 01242 255440.

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